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Mora TopLine Maine Coons
Brian and Cindy Swanson
Mora Minnesota-USA
Mora TopLine Registered Cattery with:
Berkley/ Maui Kittens Born January 23rd 2021
8 week Vet checkup with vaccinations 3/19/21 With Dr. Monson DVM
12 week Vet checkup with vaccinations 4/16/21 With Dr. Monson DVM
(Because of Covid we will NOT be allowing families into our home as we have in the past. We will be meeting you outdoors on our covered porch for pickup day. We also require you to wear a mask. Sorry for the inconvenience).
10 weeks 4-6-2021

"Duke" NP Mackerel Male~ Reserved The Helget Family

"Niko" NP Classic Male~ Congratulations The Kennen Family

"Clary Sage" NP Female~ Reserved The Muennich Family

"Sophie" PP Female~ Congratulations The Kuhl Family

"Georgia" PP Female~ Congratulations The Kuhl Family

Maui & Berkley

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